About Us

Infisuite, with a network of customers and employees globally brings to you Human Resource Management System and Talent Management Solutions for small to medium businesses. We at HRSTAQ, a strategic product of Infisuite Technologies, provide effective business solution that contribute towards the growth of the economy, catering to the different needs of the industries with our skills.

Our Founders

The company provides customized solutions for digital services, technology operations, business services, digital marketing and cloud computing. There were quite a few hurdles to cross once the company started, but the journey was an exciting one. The partners chose to develop the company rapidly and built a product while building the applications for their clients and have an impressive list of loyal clients.

Our Mission

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Our Vision

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Our Culture

We firmly believe that employees are essential for improving business results and making your business operations easy and safe. Our culture is based on clear and transparent actions along with sincere relationships. HRSTAQ is completely dedicated to its employees and customers, serving companies globally. Infisuite is a platform that lets organizations focus on the real assets i.e the people.

Our Product

Infisuite technologies introduces Human Resource Management Solutions (HRMS) that helps you meet your routine functions and comply with regulations, amidst growth. Get insights about your employee data, encourage them to handle their daily tasks, create an efficient workforce, plan for future and take relevant decisions regarding your business with HRSTAQ. Our effective tools will keep your employees engaged and satisfied.

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